
What our clients are saying

In recovery for alcohol use

James really helped me manage my alcohol use. He was empathetic, non-judgmental, and immediately made me feel comfortable. It was a difficult road, but with his help I was able to make positive changes in my life. I have a deeper understanding of myself, the underlining cause of my drinking, my triggers, and how best to move forward. I’m taking things one day at a time, but I feel confident that I will maintain my sobriety

Diagnosed with cancer

Concetta has assisted me greatly, since being diagnosed with cancer. She validates my feelings of uncertainty, encourages me to live a life of meaning and purpose, and reminds me stay present in the here and now. She teaches me coping skills and how to successfully communicate my needs with family and friends. She cannot change my prognosis, but having her by my side gives me a great sense of comfort.

Undergoing life transitions

Concetta has helped me tremendously get through a number of difficult life transitions (loss of a parent, a divorce, and finding a new career path). She has helped reduce my anxiety, explore my feelings of guilt and resentment, and address my loss and grief. I feel ready to embrace my future, despite having a difficult few years. I am actually excited to see what the future holds. I am not sure that would have happened without working with Concetta and having the benefit of therapy. I am finally looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life.

Experiencing anxiety and depression

I saw James weekly to assist me with dealing with my anxiety and depression. It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly but surely we were able to come up with helpful ways to reduce my symptoms , so much so I was able to engage in activities I have not done in years. I am starting to feel like myself again and it feels amazing.

Couples therapy, marital challenges

At first my husband and I were hesitant about going to couples therapy, but after seeing Concetta for some time now it has really improved our communication. We are less defensive, more open, and compromise with much more ease. We actually enjoy spending time together and have incorporated a weekly date night. We feel much more connected than we have in a long time.

Marriage difficulties, supporting wife

James was so empathetic and understanding of my marital issues. He helped provide me with perspective and insight about how to best deal with challenges within my marriage, particularly surrounding infidelity. James assisted me in moving forward, setting boundaries, and improving my overall self-esteem. I feel our therapy sessions have allowed me to increase my confidence and get my voice back.

Marital challenges, supporting wife

I saw James to have a safe place to discuss my marital challenges. I wanted to speak to an unbiased party that would not hold anything against my spouse. After sharing some of my concerns, James assisted me in getting to know myself again, which included finding out what makes me happy, what gives me meaning and purpose, and how to engage in a self-care routine that centers me, despite all of life’s chaos. I am feeling better about my life and myself, and feel like I am becoming a better partner.

Anxiety and depression sufferer

Concetta was a great therapist to speak to while my anxiety and depression were at its peak. She helped me with some grounding and coping techniques that I could easily implement in my daily life. She helped me realize how some of my thinking patterns and behaviors were not serving me and how best to address them. I now look forward to the future and what it may bring.

Let’s kickstart your life again

We’ll be with you every step of the way – in-person or online.
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